What is SciPy?
SciPy is a community dedicated to the advancement of scientific computing through open source Python software for mathematics, science, and engineering. The annual SciPy Conference allows participants from all types of organizations to showcase their latest projects, learn from skilled users and developers, and collaborate on code development. The full program will consist of two days of tutorials followed by three days of presentations, and concludes with two days of developer sprints on projects of interest to attendees.
2024 Organizing Committee Members
Conference Co-Chairs
Alex Chabot-Leclerc
Julie Krugler Hollek
Program Committee
Matthew Feickert
Anna Haensch
Paul Ivanov
Madicken Munk
Guen Prawiroatmodjo
Tutorial Committee
Benoit Hamelin
Tetsuo Koyama
Logan Thomas
Inessa Pawson (Teen Track)
Meekail Zain
Proceedings Committee
Meghann Agarwal
Amey Ambade
Chris Calloway
Rowan Cockett
Sanhita Joshi
Charles Lindsey
Hongsup Shin
Rebecca BurWei
Allen Harvey Jr
David Nicholson
Neelima Pulagam
Financial Aid Committee
Scott Collis
Eric Ma
Nadia Tahiri
Community Partners
Eloisa Elias T
Yujian Tang
Matt Davis
CAM Gerlach
Juanita Gomez
Birds-of-a-Feather Committee
Michael Akerman
Mike Droettboom
James Lamb
Brigitta Sipőcz
Paul Anzel
Ana Comesana
Ed Rogers
Playing Nice: Scientific Computing Across Programming Languages
Wolf Vollprecht
Ianna Osborne
Data Science and AI/Machine Learning
Fatma Tarlaci
Hugo Bowne-Anderson
Andreas Mueller
Earth, Ocean, Geo, and Atmospheric Science
Maxwell Grover
Hannah Hampson
Paige Martin
SciPy 2024 Track Chairs
Human Networks, Social Sciences, and Economics
Emilien Schultz
Steph Buongiorno
Ariana Mendible
Materials and Chemistry
Leopold Talirz
Chaya Stern
Daniel (FiPy)
Richard Otis
Data Visualization and Image Processing
John Kirkham
Juan Nunes Iglesas
Elliott Sales de Andrade
Maintainers and Community
Inessa Pawson
Matt Craig
Brigitta Sipocz
Mridiul Seth
SciPy Tools
Sanket Verma
Kira Evans
Dan Allen
General Track
Matthew Feickert
Anna Haensch
Paul Ivanov
Madicken Munk
Guen Prawiroatmodjo
SciPy 2024 Program Reviewers
Abhay Dutt Paroha
Adam Stewart
Adam Thompson
Adarsh Devamritham
Alex Makelov
Alexander Kaszynski
Allen S. Harvey Jr.
Ana Paula Gonzaga
Andrei Paleyes
Ankur Ankan
Anna Filippova
Apoorva Joshi
Archis Joglekar
Arkadiusz Trawinski
Arliss Collins
Ashwin Hegde
Axel Huebl
Benjamin Batorsky
Biola Adeyemi
Blaine Mooers
Bobby Jackson
Cainã Max Couto da Silva
Camille Latapie
Chen Qian
Chong Shen Ng
Christine Smit
Cliff Kerr
Colin Wahl
Conrad Koziol
Darren Vengroff
David Cournapeau
Derek Morgan
Dhavide Aruliah
Don Setiawan
Emanuele Frandi
Eric Ma
Erick Martins Ratamero
Forrest Sheng Bao
Fritz Lekschas
Gil Forsyth
Gonzalo Díaz Amor
Hajime Takeda
Hannah Aizenman
Heinrich Peters
Hugo Bowne-Anderson
Igor Tatarnikov
Irfan Alibay
Isaac Corley
James A. Bednar
James Lamb
Jane Adams
Jay Chia
Jay Dulhani
Jeff Wagner
Jelena Milosevic
Jeremy Tanner
Jishan Ahmed
Jon Harmon
Jonas Eschle
Jordão Bragantini
Jorge Martinez
JR Barhydt
Juan Cabanela
Juliana Ferreira Alves
Kalyan Prasad
Katelyn FitzGerald
Kevin Lacaille
Kirtan Dave
Krish R
Kriyanshi Shah
kuntao zhao
Kyle Penner
Lakshita Singh
Lars Grüter
Leo Fang
Lucas Durand
Lucas Sterzinger
Luis Lopez
Magda Pychtjarow
Manolis Papadakis
Marcelo Villa
Matt Davis
Matt McCormick
Matthew Feickert
Matthew J L Mills
Maurice Benson
Michael Sarahan
Mihai Maruseac
Min Khant Zaw
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Nadia Tahiri
Nathan Collier
Nathan Goldbaum
Nathan Swain
Nicholas McCarty
Nicolas Rougier
Nicole Brewer
Oleksandr Pavlyk
Oleksandr Yardas
Peter Sun
Pierre Raybaut
Poruri Sai Rahul
Pranoy Ray
Pryce Turner
Pushkar Sathe
Rajdeep Adak
Rashmi K Yamakanamardi
Revathy Venugopal
Richard Iannone
Rohit Goswami
Sam Morley
Sam Williams
Samapriya Roy
Sankalp Gilda
Saurav Jain
Shannon Quinn
Shaswat Shah
Shaurya Agarwal
Shubham Jha
sivanagaraju gadiparthi
Smit Lunagariya
Sriram Panyam
Steve Greenberg
Suvrakamal Das
Suzana Serboi
Tek Kshetri
Tim Diller
Tim Mattson
Tolulade Ademisoye
Tom Nicholas
Toyibat Adele
Tracy Teal
Trent May
valdez ladd
Vangelis Kourlitis
Veronicah Gathoni
Wei Ji Leong
William Zijie Zhang
Wonchan Lee
Xinrong Meng
Ying-Jung Chen
Ziyi Zhu